To partner with parents to help each child know God, find the freedom he offers, and discover the purpose and design He’s placed in each of us and go make a difference in the lives of others.

We come alongside parents to raise up the next generation to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:5)

The Vision.



    The Nursery is for ages 0-3. From age 0-1 we spend time praying for, singing over and playing with the children. Once their old enough (1-3) We start to introduce more structure. This is their first steps of listening cooperating and playing with others while learning foundational bible stories.


    Our pre-school class starts from around age 3 and goes until they start 1st grade around the age 6-7. Here we work to pave the way for foundational Biblical knowledge. We focus on learning the stories of the Bible while also making it applicable to their life.

  • 1ST - 3RD GRADE

    In this class we start to lay a strong foundational knowledge in God’s Word, developing a deeper understanding of the Bible and God as they grow in age and in Christ. Not only do they learn the stories of they bible and how the apply to our daily live but everything they learn is brought back to one main focus, Jesus!

  • 4TH - 5TH GRADE

    Here we try to reach our end goal, which is for each child to know the “whats” in the Bible so that they can begin getting deeper into the “whys” as they progress through youth, young adulthood and beyond. In this class we focus on the more topic based studies rather than bible stories. This better helps prepare them for where their going next, Youth Group and Sunday services!

Check-In Process

Child registration is done at the that time you drop your child off. Check-in opens at 10:00am for our 10:30am service.

  • It is our highest priority that your child is safe and secure. Through our check-in and check-out process, we ensure that parents and guardians are the primary adults for pick-up and drop off.

  • At storybook kids we use a barcode system. This ensures that only the parent or guardian issued a barcode can access their child(ren). Once your child(ren) is checked in, our teachers are notified through a monitoring system in their designated classroom. Our teachers are aware throughout our services of where your child(ren) needs to be at all times.

  • Our check-out system aligns with the check-in system, using barcodes. Only adults with an issued barcode is allowed access to check-out a child. Once the barcode is scanned using a check-out station, our teachers are notified that your child is clear to be picked up.



Birth-5th graders can join us on Sundays at 10:30am in the Storybook Kids space to learn more about Jesus, God’s word, and what it looks like to follow him.

Want to stay in touch? Join our Storybook Kids Hubs! Hubs is our way of keeping parents up to date on things like: what your child is learning each week, upcoming events, and important reminders. Hubs are coming in August.

Storybook Hubs

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